Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
QHHT is a technique of hypnosis developed by the late and great Dolores Cannon. It’s a form of hypnosis that is designed to allow clients to essentially become their own trance-channels. Through this technique, clients can experience different levels of awareness while going through a past regression and speaking to their Higher Consciousness or subconscious minds depending on their beliefs and spiritual practices.
No two sessions are alike and each individual experience is always healing. There cannot be any expectations other than that—that you will receive healing. Healing can take place in many different ways and at many different levels; it’s highly dependent on how much you, the client, are willing and open to receiving this help from your subconscious or Higher Consciousness.
These sessions provide healing through understanding the cause of your ailments (physical and emotional) in the first place. By understanding the message you are meant to receive from the ailment, it can finally be healed. Everything from birthmarks and broken hearts to diabetes and broken backs have been known to receive healing and cures with just one session using Dolores’s technique.
Sessions can also be used to examine repressed memories, especially those including close encounters of every kind, UFO and UAP events, paranormal or supernatural events and experiences. Sometimes there are cases of communicating with the spiritual side, but either way, clients always receive what is meant for their highest good.
The client will lay down for most of the session while in the hypnotic state. The only suggestions you receive from your practitioner are for calm and relaxation to allow you to enter a sleep-like state. The rest of the session is the client tapping into spiritual or subconscious knowledge to receive relevant information about themselves from the past and understanding how it relates to them today. Sometimes clients can hear their other consciousness speaking through them. Other times, clients may need to do the talking for their other consciousness as they might hear its words in their mind like thoughts they themselves wouldn’t normally think. Either way, the answers come, and so then the healing can begin.
Sessions are recorded so that the client can just relax and dig deep without needing to remember everything. You will receive a copy of your recording.
Most QHHT sessions offered by Jennifer are conducted in the client’s home for their own comfort. For alternate accommodations for your session, schedule a consultation with Jennifer to discuss all your options. Jennifer is currently beta testing online sessions as well.
To book your QHHT session
To ask more questions
To learn even more
Preparing for your session
You can start first by releasing any expectations of how it should go. Everyone's session follows a basic structure of getting to know you better, understanding your concerns and curiosities, then using the hypnosis technique to put you into a deep state of relaxation.
The level of your relaxation and awareness will vary, and it is all good. No matter what you feel during a session, every session provides healing and more understanding into your true nature, so that you may walk away feeling more empowered than when you walked in.
Drinking plenty of water, meditation practices, and avoiding stimulants and depressants can help clients relax deeper into hypnosis. -
Have your questions and intention written down.
The sessions run smoother when you bring your list of questions on paper for your practitioner to go over with you. It will also allow her to more easily ask those questions on your behalf when speaking to your unconscious mind under the hypnotic trance.
Bring a snack and water.
The sessions are designed to take care of all of your concerns and questions in one day, and can take a good portion of the day, so be sure to bring a snack if you might get hungry during your scheduled session time.
Sustain from mind altering medications, drugs or beverages before the session.
It's possible you might find that the session will also go smoother without taking any medications or drinking any beverages that affect how tired or awake you feel, but it isn't necessary for results. Do what feels best for you, but during the session Jennifer asks that clients only drink water.
Create a comfortable space for yourself.
Be sure that if the session is being held in your home, that you are able to create a comfortable space for you to lie down and remain uninterrupted by others in the home, for 2-3 hours, including away from pets.
Traditional QHHT sessions are typically held in-person due to the intensity of the hypnosis experience for some. There have been accounts of extreme body movements during the regressions, and waking off the bed from a lying down position before being properly counted out.
There are concerns with practicing QHHT online because of the risk of technology failure, but with some minor changes to the technique, trances can be kept in brain wave states that aren't as deep as the theta trance in traditional QHHT. If there are interruptions, the client and practitioner can reconvene online, and still have the client to go back into an even deeper state of relaxation.
If a reconnect isn't possible, clients--with any type of hypnosis, will never get "stuck" in trance; the mind just doesn't work that way. The client will simply either fall into a relaxing sleep and take a nap and/or slowly re-acclimate back to wakefulness and carry on with their day.
In-person and online sessions are both effective and provide clients with more understanding and healing. Currently, online sessions are being
Any in-person or online session that is left incomplete will be resumed at no additional cost on another day.
What is the cause of my ailments? What can I learn from them? How can I understand myself better from them?
Once these ailments are healed, how can I ensure they won't come back?
What is the cause of my challenges in life, and what can I learn from them?
How do I move forward in my life with more clarity and surety?
What was my purpose for this life or for right now? How do I best accomplish that from where I am now?
What patterns am I repeating that are holding me back from reaching my full potential? How can I release these?
Can you explain why specifically I am experiencing this addiction or affliction? How do I overcome this?
What parts of myself need healing and counseling that aren't already being addressed?
What supplements or vitamins can you recommend for me, and why?
Do you recommend that I continue taking this particular medication, and why or why not?
How can I better communicate and access this higher knowledge within myself?
You can check out a myriad of guided meditations online to practice getting into deeper states of brain waves.
Find one below created by Jennifer that helps clients get acclimated to the sound of her voice in sessions and using relaxing visualizations.